[libro gratis para descargar.grkL] La economÃa long tail (Spanish Edition)
Puede descargar en forma de un libro electr�nico: pdf, kindle ebook, ms palabra aqu� y m�s soft tipo de archivo. [libro gratis para descargar.grkL] La economÃa long tail (Spanish Edition), este es un gran libro que creo.
Con la llegada de Internet, un nuevo fenomeno invade el mercado, la industria y la sociedad. Se trata de la ""larga cola"", termino acunado por Chris Anderson y que resuena ya en los medios de comunicacion de todo el mundo. La ""larga cola"" es la tendencia por la cual, gracias a la tecnologia, el mercado de masas se esta conviertiendo en un mercado de nichos: por primera vez en la sociedad de consumo, la venta de pequenas cantidades es rentable. Y para el autor de este libro, esta novedad marcara la industria en un futuro muy proximo: en el siglo XXI, dominara el mercado quien sea capaz de acaparar las ventas minoritarias, esa larga cola que se extiende detras de los hits casi hasta el infinito. El analista Chris Anderson nos ofrece el estudio mas completo de una realidad que ya esta aqui gracias a empresas como Google, Amazon o Rhapsody. Una obra de rabiosa actualidad esencial para empresarios, economistas y para todo aquel que quiera comprender el alcance de este fenomeno y sus implicaciones. / The Long Tail is a powerful new force in our economy: the rise of the niche. As the cost of reaching consumers drops dramatically, our markets are shifting from a one-size-fits-all model of mass appeal to one of unlimited variety for unique tastes. From supermarket shelves to advertising agencies, the ability to offer vast choice is changing everything, and causing us to rethink where our markets lie and how to get to them. Unlimited selection is revealing truths about what consumers want and how they want to get it, from DVDs at Netflix to songs on iTunes to advertising on Google. However, this is not just a virtue of online marketplaces; it is an example of an entirely new economic model for business, one that is just beginning to show its power. After a century of obsessing over the few products at the head of the demand curve, the new economics of distribution allow us to turn our focus to the many more products in the tail, which collectively can create a new market as big as the one we already know. The Long Tail is really about the economics of abundance. New efficiencies in distribution, manufacturing, and marketing are essentially resetting the definition of whats commercially viable across the board. If the 20th century was about hits, the 21st will be equally about niches.
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